Students and Teachers K-12

It's never too early to get involved in helping protect and preserve our planet's soil and water. IECA promotes early education and has created this space for you to explore science projects, events and more to help students and teachers learn more about the importance of clean soil and water.

Educational Resources

IECA's very own Melanie McCaleb and NCSU extension associate, Liz Driscoll, developed a curriculum on soil erosion:

Liz Driscoll also has a soil curriculum that is North Carolina-oriented, but might be useful for educators and students:

Additional Resources Include:

Learn What College and Universities are Doing

NC State University's Soil Science Department has an active program in erosion and sediment control research and education for the construction industry. Learn more.

The University of Georgia's College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department is researching the effectiveness of compost in erosion control. Learn more.

Ideas for Science Fair Projects

  1. Erosion effects on different land forms.
  2. Recognize different populations in a soil sample.
  3. Demonstrate and observe water and wind erosion.
  4. Construct a levee flood control technique.

Find Green Careers and Prepare for the Future

Examples of jobs that require erosion and sediment control background:
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Environmental Specialist
  • Government Employee: Special project manager including types of projects such as: roads, bridges, land development, etc.
  • Landscape Architect
  • Surveyor/Contractor
  • Manufacturing & Sales: Create and sell products that slow or stop erosion control
  • Mining Professionals
  • Professor/Teacher

The American Water Works Association and the Water Environment Federation has developed a website that includes resources to find jobs or prepare for rewarding careers in protecting public health and the environment. Click here to find out more.

For more information please contact IECA's Education Department | 303-640-7554

IECA is the foremost organization for those involved in or concerned about soil erosion control. Membership (in IECA) tells others you take erosion control seriously and you want to help make a difference.

Scott Velting, CPESC, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA